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"Coaching is the universal to connect with people, helping them to develop a new perspective, while expanding their inner beliefs and boundaries, equipping them to become the best version of themselves.”
Farshad Asl

„The more you know yourself, the less judgemental you become“
Aniekee Tochukwu Ezekiel


veryone is the creator of his / her own situation, and the expert and master for his / her particular circumstances and environment, based on one’s beliefs, experiences, values and attitude towards life and this creates everyone’s unique perspective on life. It is as unique as a fingerprint. Reality is created within us, not outside us. Truth is very subjective and so is what is right or wrong / good or bad. Thus there are no general or universal solutions or answers to individual life questions or challenges.

We believe that you have the answers to your own problems already within you and our job is to help you to find them. The roadblocks on this path are often your inner – sometimes even subconscious – fears. Therefor we focus on what is inside you rather than what is happening outside.

We see ourselves as your sparring partner, encouraging and challenging you to look inside, stretching your inner boundaries and exploring with your worst-case scenarios to remove these fears in order to unleash your full potential. To us the key skill of coaching is asking the right questions to help you work through your own issues. Thus our attitude is always determined by curiosity, compassion and appreciation for you and your situation. You are in control and you always have the choice – within the coaching process and in life.

Be inspired by some quotes that reflect our approach and see whether any of the quotes resonate with you:


veryone is the creator of his / her own situation, and the expert and master for his / her particular circumstances and environment, based on one’s beliefs, experiences, values and attitude towards life and this creates everyone’s unique perspective on life. It is as unique as a fingerprint. Reality is created within us, not outside us. Truth is very subjective and so is what is right or wrong / good or bad. Thus there are no general or universal solutions or answers to individual life questions or challenges.

We believe that you have the answers to your own problems already within you and our job is to help you to find them. The roadblocks on this path are often your inner – sometimes even subconscious – fears. Therefor we focus on what is inside you rather than what is happening outside.

We see ourselves as your sparring partner, encouraging and challenging you to look inside, stretching your inner boundaries and exploring with your worst-case scenarios to remove these fears in order to unleash your full potential. To us the key skill of coaching is asking the right questions to help you work through your own issues. Thus our attitude is always determined by curiosity, compassion and appreciation for you and your situation. You are in control and you always have the choice – within the coaching process and in life.

Be inspired by some quotes that reflect our approach and see whether any of the quotes resonate with you:

“Decision making and problem solving are not the same. To solve a problem, one needs to find a solution. To make a decision, one needs to make a choice.” Michael J. Marx
“At the end of the day, if you’re wasting your time by not investing in yourself, you’re going to waste away—and that would be the greatest waste of all.” Richie Norton 
“A good Coach asks great questions to help you remove the obstacles in your mind and to get you back on track in life” Farshad Asl
“Every moment is a crossroad in time. Consider that, as above so below and as inside so outside and live accordingly.”
Grigoris Deoudis
“An authentic coaching relationship gives the client personal choice and control.” Michael J. Marx
“Coaching is a service. We serve our clients and have their well-being as the higher priority.” Michael J. Marx